Full name: Victor Manuel do Carmo Matos

Birthday: February 10th

Home: Valadares – Vila Nova de Gaia

Family: Maried

Hobbies: Wine and History

On Web since: 1986

Musician since: 1986

First band: Web

First concert played: Rock Redez Vouz - Lisboa (08-11-1987)

First show: Uriah Heep - Porto (06-06-1980)

Best seen concert: AC DC Estádio do Restelo (06-07-1996)

First album: Led Zeppelin - Four Symbols/No Name

Favorite album: Studio - Black Sabbath - Heaven ´N’ Hell, Live - Status Quo – Status Quo Live

Favorite bands: Black Sabbath, Alice Cooper, Candlemass, Iced Earth, Slayer, Lamb of God,

Overkill, Dio, Testament, Ramones, King Diamond, Deep Purple

Major influences: Rick Parfitt, Rory Galhager, Tony Iommi , Randy Rhoads, Angus Young, Michel Shenker

Blond or Brunette: Brunette

Brandy or Whisky: Non!

Red or White: Both!

Meat or Fish: Meat


Weapon of choice: ESP LTD HEX-7

Amp: Marshal JCM800 Lead Series 100W [Modded]

Cabinet: Custom ENGL 4x12" PRO 240W [Celestion V30]

Effects: Tube Over Drive Bad Monkey

Strings: Rotosound Roto Pinks R9-7 and R9

Picks: InTuneGP GripX-Xb [2mm]






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Centro Comercial STOP
Rua do Heroísmo,333
Loja 139
Porto - Portugal
Press: [00351] 913 552 200
Shows: [00351] 964 572 324

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