Full name: Bruno Filipe Carneiro Ferreira

Birthday: April 24th

Home: Trofa

Family: Single

Hobbies: Medicina, Futebol, Gimnasium, Videogames (especially kicking ass at PES! :P), Cinema...

On Web since: 2005

Musician since: 1995

Guitarrist since: 2001

First band: Project Sound Fusion

First concert played: Festas Populares da Trofa with Project Sound Fusion

First Rock concert: Guano Apes at Coliseu do Porto

First Metal concert: Megadeth at Vilar de Mouros

Best seen concert: Steve Vai at Casa da Música

First record: Michael Jackson - Dangerous

Favorite album: Metropolis Part 2. - Scenes from a Memory (Dream Theater)

Favorite bands: Very hard to choose, but, Dream Theater

Biggest influences: Steve Vai, John Petrucci, Andy Timmons, Guthrie Govan, Dave Mustaine,

Paul Gilbert, Yngwie Malmsteen, Jeff Loomis, Mikael Akerfeldt...

Blond or Brunette: Brunette

Bagaço or Whisky: Caipirinha!

Red or White: Red


Weapon of choice: Mayones Setius PRO 7 custom

Amp: ENGL Powerball 6L6 100W

Cabinet: Custom Marshall 1961-B oversized 2X12" (Celestion Vintage 30 and G12T-75 speakers)

Pedalboard: Mr.RonFX custom pedalboard

Effects: TC Electronic

Strings: Rotosound Roto Pinks R9-7 and R9

Picks: InTuneGP Jazz XL






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Centro Comercial STOP
Rua do Heroísmo,333
Loja 139
Porto - Portugal
Press: [00351] 913 552 200
Shows: [00351] 964 572 324

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